Document 0699 DOCN M9460699 TI Incubation period of human immunodeficiency virus. DT 9408 AU Alcabes P; Munoz A; Vlahov D; Friedland GH; Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, Montefiore; Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New; York. SO Epidemiol Rev. 1993;15(2):303-18. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/94229192 DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/EPIDEMIOLOGY/*MICROBIOLOGY Cohort Studies *Epidemiologic Methods Human HIV Infections/EPIDEMIOLOGY/*MICROBIOLOGY HIV Seropositivity/EPIDEMIOLOGY/*MICROBIOLOGY HIV-1/*PHYSIOLOGY Incidence Prevalence Support, Non-U.S. Gov't Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. Time Factors United States/EPIDEMIOLOGY JOURNAL ARTICLE REVIEW REVIEW, MULTICASE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).